This full of vitamins and minerals vegetable is one of the essential items in every American kitchen. The beet season is mainly in the July-November period in Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, and Maine. In case you want a kilogram of beet in the winter season, go to Arizona, Arkansas, Northern California, and New Mexico.
State | Beets in season |
Alabama | Mid-April till Mid-July |
Alaska | July till November |
Arizona | January till March and November till December |
Arkansas | April till May, November till December |
Northern California | January till December |
Southern California | January till July and October till December |
Colorado | July till October |
Connecticut | July till Mid-October |
Delaware | June till December |
North Florida | January till April and September till December |
South Florida | January till June |
Georgia | April till June |
Idaho | July till October |
Illinois | May till October |
Indiana | Mid-May till November |
Iowa | July till Mid-October |
Kansas | Mid-June Mid-July and Mid-September till Mid-October |
Kentucky | July till Mid-October |
Louisiana | January till May and Mid-October till December |
Maine | July till October |
Maryland | July till Mid-September |
Massachusetts | Mid-May till December |
Michigan | Mid-June and July till September |
Minnesota | July till October |
Mississippi | April till July |
Missouri | May till November |
Montana | June till September |
Nebraska | May till October |
Nevada | May till December |
New Hampshire | July till October |
New Jersey | June till November |
New Mexico | January till December |
New York | June till November |
North Carolina | May till June and October till December |
North Dakota | July till September |
Ohio | June till September |
Oklahoma | April till December |
Oregon | January and July till August |
Pennsylvania | June till December |
Rhode Island | Mid-June and July till November |
South Carolina | January till December |
South Dakota | June till October |
Tennessee | June till November |
Texas | January till April and October till December |
Utah | Mid-June till September |
Vermont | July till November |
Virginia | May till November |
Washington | Mid-May till September |
West Virginia | August till October |
Wisconsin | Mid-June and July till October |
Wyoming | May till October |
This vegetable holds the record for the concentration of boron and manganese. In terms of iron content, beets are second only to garlic. These trace elements activate the work of hematopoiesis and regulate metabolism. The betaine found in this root vegetable is involved in the formation of choline, which improves liver function.
Beets are extremely useful for constipation and problems with intestinal flora. Pectin inhibits the activity of putrefactive intestinal bacteria and envelops the inflamed mucous membrane. Beets are rich in organic acids: malic, citric, and tartaric.
Roots and fresh young beet leaves are also eatable. The root vegetable is usually boiled or baked, and salads, soups, and sauerkraut are prepared on its basis. Leaves are added to soups or salads, boiled. Beetroot juice is used as a natural color in sauces.
At any time of the year, it is interesting to experiment with salads, combining boiled and mashed beets with a wide variety of products: herring, chopped nuts, cheeses, prunes, mushrooms, and olives, lemon zest, and juice. Mayonnaise or sour cream is usually used as a dressing. Beets baked in the oven are useful and tasty: before baking, they must be wrapped in several layers of foil.