Asparagus are produced in California from February, Washington’s production joins in April, and Michigan in May, all of them finishing going out of season in June. Better to get them locally, please find the asparagus season close to you in the following chart.
Asparagus season
State | Asparagus in season |
Alabama | March till June |
Alaska | mid-May till June |
Arizona | February till May |
Arkansas | April and May |
California | February till June |
Colorado | May and June |
Connecticut | mid-May till June |
Delaware | April till June |
Florida | February till mid-April |
Georgia | mid-March till June |
Hawaii | February till mid-April |
Idaho | April and May |
Illinois | April till June |
Indiana | mid-April till mid-June |
Iowa | May and June |
Kansas | mid-March till mid-June |
Kentucky | mid-April till June |
Louisiana | February till mid-June |
Maine | May and June |
Maryland | mid-April till mid-June |
Massachusetts | May |
Michigan | May and June |
Minnesota | May till July |
Mississippi | mid-March till June |
Missouri | March till June |
Montana | May |
Nebraska | April till June |
Nevada | March till June |
New Hampshire | May till mid-July |
New Jersey | mid-April till June |
New Mexico | May and June |
New York | May till mid-June |
North Carolina | March and April |
North Dakota | April and May |
Ohio | mid-April till mid-July |
Oklahoma | March till June |
Oregon | April till June |
Pennsylvania | April till Junesouth Dakota |
Rhode Island | mid-April till mid-July |
South Carolina | mid-March till Maysouth |
South Dakota | May and June |
Tennessee | April and May |
Texas | March and April |
Utah | May and June |
Vermont | May and June |
Virginia | mid-April till mid-June |
Washington | April till June |
West Virginia | May and June |
Wisconsin | May till mid-June |
Wyoming | April till June |
Asparagus is usually available all year-round. However, like most produce, it also has a peak season. The vegetable is harvested generally from the onset of February through the end of May to mid-June. Some states start harvesting asparagus as late as April, but it is typically during spring.
Asparagus season lasts for approximately 100 days, with most produce harvested in April and May. Above is a chart that breaks down asparagus seasons in various states.
Eating asparagus in season comes with a lot of benefits. The first one is that you have more choices. There are different asparagus grades, which are jumbo, standard, colossal, small, and large. All these grades are available in the season compared to other times of the year when the offer is limited.
When asparagus is out of season, you will likely find the green asparagus at your local store. On the other hand, you will find both white and purple asparagus during peak season. White asparagus is no different from the green one; it is grown in little to no light. It is hard to find during off-peak months, but you are guaranteed to enjoy it when in season.
When in good condition, asparagus has a sweet, grassy taste. When stored for commercial purposes, the vegetable loses most of its flavor and nutrients. Additionally, it becomes less healthy and wrinkles. You can avoid all that hustle by enjoying this vegetable during its peak season when it is fresh and healthy.
Many states grow asparagus, and you can buy it during peak season after consulting the above chart.